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Attempting to see the humor in every day.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

From the "Comfort Zone" to the "Twilight Zone"

Faster than you can say "Beam me up, Scottie" life can go from the normal and mundane to an edge of your seat, holy crap, hold on to your butts kind of ride! Let me just say that until a month ago I was very comfortable with my life. Content is a good word. My job...comfortable. My house...comfortable. My friends...few, but comfortable. I was totally buried deep in my "Comfort Zone" and life was good. Sometimes predictable, but what's wrong with that? I knew what to expect and for a girl who likes to know who, what, when, where, & why it was hog heaven.

Enter the "Honduran"!

I remember the first time I met him. I told my mom that he was darn cute and it was too bad he wasn't taller and older. Trust me when I say that I uttered those words in complete and total ignorance of WHERE I would be today, WHO I would be with, WHAT I would be doing, and WHEN I would be doing it! But I digress... The Honduran and I, while God sat up in Heaven giggling, ended up working on a project for my mom. The first day was fun, a little laughter at the language barrier and a lot of sweating and swearing. The second day there was a little flirting, followed by more serious questions. Day 3 and I was hooked. A few phone calls, a accidental meeting and a dinner that was supposed to include the mom and it was all over. A week later and we were official.

Officially a couple? Officially dating? Officially losing my comfortable, predictable little life! A month ago if you had told me that I would be dating someone, much less planning a wedding I would have spit, sputtered and laughed until the junk in my trunk fell off on the ground! Not to mention that I might have accused you of being crazy, smoking crack or having hit your head...hard. Never the less, here I sit, listening to Spanish music, and recording this phenomenon for posterity, completely baffled and sure that I still hear giggling coming from "Up on High." I am learning Spanish, not only to speak it but also to cook it. And, I'm learning new words in English too. Words like vulnerable, flexible and spontaneous. The self sufficient, lived on her own for 13 years, list making, planner I was is being eclipsed by the corazon, princessa and amor I have become. Being in a relationship takes guts and my hat is off to those of you who have gone before me. So...no guts, no glory! To quote one of my favorite Broadway musicals...

"Something has changed within me. Something is not the same. I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game. Too late for second guessing. Too late to go back to sleep. Its time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap. Its time to try defying gravity. I think I'll try defying gravity. And you can't bring me down."

So, I may not be looking down, but I am flying high. My life has become the Twilight Zone but I have always believed that weird is good. Stay tuned for more ups, downs, zigs, zags and other assorted wild rumpuses! And don't forget to laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So happy for you. Do I need to keep calling him The Honduran, or does he have a name? I don't mind calling him The Honduran, it sounds all mysterious-like.
