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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Reasons I need to learn Spanish

1) So I can explain how I feel when I feel something besides "happy" or "mad" since apparantly the Honduran thinks those are the only emotions on earth.

2) So I can laugh too when everyone in the room is laughing and I ask the Honduran what's funny and he says "Nada"!!

3) So I can win Lotteria. I am too slow and they've flipped 6 cards by the time I realize that I knew that word and I had that picture on my board!!!

4) So I really know what's happening on all the novellas I am having to watch.

5) Because "I love you, you are my heart" sounds so much prettier in Espanol and I want to be able to say something equally as pretty in return.

6) So I can quit having to copy and paste song lyrics and text messages into Google Translate.

I am sure I can come up with some others but these were the ones that were fresh in my mind. I am not picking up the lingo quite as fast as I would like. I think I need much more practice!

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